
Friday 20 February 2015

Keyword : CEI Test Questions, ranked number #2 in Google.com.sg

Seems that there are many people search for cei test related questions so that they will be able to have a feel of how and what the NTUC learning hub examinations is going to be, because of that, the keyword CEI Test Questions had made www.dougleschan.com to be ranked number #2 in Google.com.sg. Making it very popular basing on that keywords, basically there are already thousands of people visited that page till to-date.

Below are some links that will be helpful for candidates who are taking the test for CEI, remember that the test is not east, a lot of scenario based questions will be presented to you and the choices of the answers are structured in such a way that every potential answer CAN BE the answer itself. The CEI test is very tricky and many people that I have spoken to have failed the test many times. Hence, do not take this test lightly.

Remember that if you are not taking the course and go and take the test directly and in the event you fail the CEI test, you MUST go and take the CEI courses before taking the test.
Here are the links as promised:

Wednesday 18 February 2015

How to Start a Recruitment Agency From Home.

How to Start a Recruitment Agency From Home

Want to start a recruitment agency directly from your own home? It’s really possible and with that kind of setup, you will not only enjoy decent income from the business, but also a flexible schedule, so that if you need to take care of your kids or run errands, you will be able to do so easily. You can have the best of both worlds where you will earn income, be free from the routine of normal working hours, and spend quality time with your family.

Here are the steps to starting a recruitment agency from home.

1) Think of a great name for your business: something iconic, easy to remember, and not too long. When you have decided on the name of your business, register the name in your local business authority to make it a legal entity. Depending on your country regulations, you might be required to get a license for it. In Singapore, you will need to have a license, so please check the process to apply for a Singapore employment agency license.

 2) Get your website domain name, make sure it is as close to your business name as possible. Get a web designer to build the site for you professionally. Also, determine whether you want to set up a general recruitment business or a specialized recruitment business.

3) Get your business cards printed. I believe your web designer will have also made your business logo. Please ensure you get it done professionally; your clients and candidates will know whether your logo is a DIY logo. A less-than-professional logo does not make a good impression.

4) Please ensure your business address is registered as a corporate address. A home address will reveal what level you are, even if your office is registered as a virtual office, which is perfectly fine. People do understand, but if you want to save money on these things, you will send out the wrong impression to other people and your business may not work out.

5) Generate clients and job orders; ensure you have 20-30 job orders to work on per person (monthly) so that your ability to close more cases will be higher. Check out my other powerful article on Strategies for Recruitment Companies to Generate More Business.

6) Work on your job orders with lighting speed- Be very careful of The Market Tumors In the Recruitment Industry. 7) Close as many cases as you can within your ability. 8) Last but not least, enjoy every month in life because you deserve it! Check out how you can generate good income by operating your own job agency.

A Recruitment Agency article by Dougles Chan – The Recruitment Guru Other powerful articles you will be keen on

Tuesday 17 February 2015

Keyword Headhunter Firms ranked #2 in Google.com.sg

headhunter-singaporeIt is quite amazing and delighted to realized the keyword headhunter firms, www.dougleschan.com had been ranked #2 in Google.com.sg and surprising it actually it is more popular than forbes.com, bloomberg.com which are the reputable news agencies around the world. More surprising t even ranked far much higher than hudson.sg which is one of the top headhunting companies in Singapore. Well, let me revealed some of the tricks where it makes it so popular:
  • Being original – If you copy the content from some other places, it will NEVER get good respect by Google.com, hence the content must be always ORIGINAL. There are no other ways
  • Making your website RICH – That is to say that your website must be able to provide good and relevant content to the people who are searching for the keywords.
  • Make sure provide some good links back to other websites, look at the content above, I do link this article to forbes, boomberg and Hudson! Do not be selfish, give links to other people too!
  • Market it – Once you have an article or page you would like to make it popular, spend consider effort to market it strongly, remember, not too aggressively…. Market them in social media, such as Facebook, Linkedin, Twitter, etc.
  • Give it some time – SEO will not work in the short-time, it will take time to build and get your ranking up.
  • Make sure you have other links back to your website, do not just focus on the same keywords all the time, and make sure you have other keywords that are backlinking to your website.
  • Optimisation should be random, should not have a consistent pattern. Remember whatever you are doing, Google knows about it. If you try to cheat, they will also know about it. Hence, just be normal, simple and don’t push it too hard.
  • Remember that optimisation is not all about WORDS, it can be in other format too, video, graphic, music, files, etc…..
Till then, my next target for the keywords will be headhunter Singapore, it’s quite tough because www.headhunt.com.sg is also fighting aggressively for the place. Let see how it goes then. The Recruitment Guru – Dougles Chan

Impressing the Headhunters

One of the best resources in your quest for a new job is a professional recruiter, also called a headhunter. And despite a commonly held misconception, headhunters aren't only for executives; they recruit everyone from truck drivers to doctors. Companies with open positions often turn to recruiters to save themselves a lot of time and effort, so headhunters may be looking for someone exactly like you right now. If you stick with the tips below, you'll automatically put yourself head and shoulders above many other candidates because most people simply don't know how to work with a headhunter.

· Act the part. Perhaps the biggest mistake people make when working with recruiters is not going all out to impress them. A headhunter isn't finding you a job out of the goodness of her heart-she's getting paid to supply quality candidates to a client company. And she's not going to put you in front of top-dollar clients if she's unsure about your ability to present yourself professionally. So act like you're on a job interview when you meet with a headhunter because you are. Be professional. Don't meet with her in your sweats, with two-day stubble, and wearing a ball cap.

· Sell your accomplishments. To help recruiters do the best job for you, you need to demonstrate how great you are so that they can pinpoint a job that's a perfect match for you. Sell yourself and what you've accomplished. Your headhunter wants to know the answers to these two questions: "What have you made?" and "What have you saved?" As in, how much money have you made or saved for your company? This is a business, and you'll go to work if you can demonstrate results.

· Don't get too comfortable. Job hunters often make the mistake of thinking that a recruiter is their friend. He's not. Act the same way you would in a traditional interview: don't bash your current employer, don't blame other people for your mistakes, don't make excuses, and don't come across as angry about your current job situation. A headhunter isn't your therapist or your mother. Good recruiters represent the best interests of the clients who've hired them to fill a position. So to get them to work hard for you, you need to be the best candidate for the job. Period.

· Be prepared. You'll waste both your time and the recruiter's time if you show up unprepared to discuss your work history and provide documentation of previous employment. Are you vague about how many years you spent at the company you left to join your current firm? Look it up before you go. Have you written down the contact information for at least three professional references? If not, do it!

· Ask questions. You probably have a million questions about how this whole process works, and that's actually a good thing. As any other interviewer would, a recruiter welcomes questions because it demonstrates that you're interested. Ask the headhunter if he has experience in recruiting for positions like yours, how long he's been in the recruiting business, what some of his successes have been, how long he anticipates the search taking, what you can do to speed the process, etc. The most successful headhunter-job hunter relationships are two-way streets: you need to be a good candidate, and he needs to be a good recruiter.

· Bring your own ideas. If you have a very niche job, it's probably best to work with a headhunter who only recruits for positions such as yours. But most headhunters recruit for a wide variety of positions and for many companies, which makes it difficult for them to stay on top of every single job possibility for plumbers through scientists. If you're a hair stylist, for example, salons and spas are going to be where your recruiter will probably look first for you. But if you know that cruise ships employ thousands of stylists and may be a good route to try, speak up. Remember, collaboration is the secret to finding you a great new job.

· Pump your headhunter for information. Once she's secured an interview for you, make sure you receive as much information as possible from your recruiter before you go in front of a potential employer. Your recruiter likely not only knows pertinent details about the company-what their products and services are-but also something about the person or team who will be interviewing you. Ask, too, if other people have interviewed for this job and what mistakes they may have made

How to Be A Recruiter for A Company

Any and every company is built on a couple of pillars that are the most demanded and important sectors of the company. These sectors make the company the success that it becomes and it is necessary that the company has a lot of reliable man power to properly handle these departments.

This is where the job of the headhunters in HR comes in. they are required to sort through the various applicants and recruit the best that there can be for the post. It is also necessary that the Hr personnel should be clear about the delicacy and the intricacy involved in headhunting in employee resource, headhunting in finance, headhunting in accounting and also head hunting in business as a whole. The marketing and sales department also forms the part of the sectors that have to be given attention by the head hunters in HR.

Now, with such an important job profile and the very difficult responsibilities that every recruiter has to undertake makes the very post of the recruiter a very important one. So to land as a headhunter recruiter in any specific company or business it is necessary that the candidates have the proper talent and qualifications that are required to further them in this field.

Most multinational companies make sure that the headhunters have a proper educational background and a management degree, though not mandatory, still gives the applicant an edge over their competition for the post. The headhunters in Hr have to have a much defined sense when it comes to studying various personalities and body languages. They have to work in an environment where their raw material is the variety of people that they have to meet, reject or select.

Also, to be a successful recruiter for any company, the person has to know about the company in detail, so that they can better understand the type of people that would be the best for any different departments of the company. They have to make sure that the best persons are selected for the company who would be most comfortable with the company and therefore they would also be more productive for the company.

To become a recruiter with the company it is necessary that the person should be able to make perfect use of the various search resources that are available to them. There are many sites on the Internet that provide expert information about the various HR job opportunities that are available in the field at the very present moment. It is also necessary that the headhunting recruiter for any company should be aware of all the important technological development that is happening in every sector of the company. The basic idea is that the headhunter should be able to focus on all the different criteria that are mandatory for every post so that they can find out the best person required for that post. After all, the whole structure of the employees of any company depends upon the talent of the headhunter for that company.

More list of advertising headhunter at www.dougleschan.com

Should you go through a Headhunter to find a Job?

Are you looking for a career in the oil, gas or chemical industry? Well, then the best way to land that dream job is to get in touch with competitive headhunters agencies. These agencies, with their years of experience in placing candidates according to their capacities and skills, as per the employer needs, facilitate lucrative pay packages for employees and the best candidates for employers.

Did you know that the oil and gas industry, on an average, pays $90,000 to its management executives, with the higher range being $160,000 a year? Other positions, such as drilling, engineering, maritime, trades and geosciences, also fetch an average of more than $80,000 a year. So, for that dream career in the flourishing oil and gas or chemical industry, you should contact a headhunter agency. The industry employs a range of professionals, ranging from mechanical engineers to chemical engineers and chemists.

Benefits of Job Search through Headhunters

Headhunter agencies offer several benefits for both the employees and employers. Here are some of them:

* Employers can utilize headhunting services to fill in senior management and executive positions and for recruiting specialized individuals in fields with only a few active top-level professionals. Hence, it makes sense to employ the services of these agencies, rather than advertise internationally.

* These agencies do not just attract prospective employees, but also actively seek them. This is achieved through networking, developing relationships with various companies, purchasing company directories, maintaining databases and cold calling prospective candidates.

* These agencies enable talented employees to accelerate their career path even outside the company. Headhunters basically look for people with the right tools to perform at the job and great potential for enhanced value.

* Allows employees to explore their hidden, unutilized talent that can be harnessed by another company to offer you a better career. So, candidates must focus on creating a resume that highlights their capabilities and talents.

More list of advertising headhunter at www.dougleschan.com